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 International Excellence Reserve


  I.E.R. offers:
Strategy Coaching - Diplomacy Consultancy
Internet Communication Consultancy e-learning studies & consultancy
Consultancy and AdviceSupporting decisions  -  Science Consultancy and Advice
Starting the ball rolling!
The idea starts "to create a stir"!
The idea manifests itself and takes shape!
In the beginning it is the idea that counts!
        [ Supporting decisions ]
        [ Diplomacy ConsultancyInternet Communication Consultancy  ]
            [coordinates I.E.R.]
       [ Starting the ball rolling! | The idea starts 'to create a stir'! ]
        [ The idea manifests itself and takes shape! | In the beginning it's the idea that counts! ]
          [ Brochure 1995-2000 | Former twin Organisation: I.E.R. International Excellence Reserve (e.V.) c/o Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany | PowerPoint  presentations ]
[ S.E.C.U.R.I.O. ]